The Second-Best Time to Learn a New Craft

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second-best time is now.” – Chinese proverb

March is National Craft Month – and what better time of year than spring to celebrate craft!  Like the first tender shoots of springtime daffodils poking their heads out of the ground, crafting a new work is a beautifully optimistic act:  the opportunity to create something fresh and new with your hands.  

But sometimes we’re scrolling through the ‘Gram looking at a magnificent and intricate weaving or skein upon skein of handspun yarn all dyed with hand-gathered natural dyes and we think, “I could never do that.”  We tell ourselves we’re just not talented enough or skilled enough – or that it’s too late for us to learn something new.   

Fortunately, nothing could be further from the truth!  We now know that the brain is plastic, or “rewire-able” throughout our life (1).  We have the ability to learn new skills at any age, which is great news because all types of learning can improve our emotional and physical wellbeing (2).  Researchers have shown that learning something new can limit cognitive and memory decline as we age by encouraging brain cells to continue to function at optimal levels (2).  Studies also show that those who engage in lifelong learning tend to live longer and more fulfilling lives (3).

Learning new craft skill like weaving or hand-spinning is an exceptionally powerful type of learning because handcrafts like these engage not only our minds but also our bodies.  When we learn how to do fiber crafts like weaving, hand-spinning, or knitting, we’re also training our body’s fine motor skills, especially in the hands.  Increasing our physical dexterity has definite health benefits:  decreases in grip strength and hand dexterity have been shown to be associated with cognitive decline in older adults (4).

 “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago.  The second-best time is now,” says the old Chinese proverb.  At Tierra Wools, we like to say that the second-best time to learn a new craft is right now!  Registration is now open for our our full schedule of summer courses. We’ve got all the tools, tips, and techniques that you need to realize your crafting dreams and we’ll be there to help you every step of the way. So if you’re ready to learn and grow with us, sign up for the craft of your dreams today.  Your body and brain have nothing to lose!

Visit Tierra Wools online to read about and register for all the

terrific class offerings we have for the summer.

(1) , accessed 20 March 2022.

(2), accessed 20 March 2022.

(3), accessed 20 March 2022.

(4), accessed 20 March 2022.