Flip Rigid Heddle Loom | Schacht Spindle Company
Flip Rigid Heddle Loom | Schacht Spindle Company
Comfortable to use, portable and sturdy, the Flip Loom is crafted from hardwood maple; sanded and oiled by hand. A unique two-heddle block is built right into the frame (for more pattern options or double weave) and is ready for two heddle weaving when you are. You can weave in three positions: lean Flip against the table, place it on the table top, or install it on its Trestle Stand (sold separately). Flip loom comes assembled. You must install the apron bars and cords and you are ready to weave. It also comes with complete instructions for warping and beginning to weave.
Also available: (Molly’s choice), Inventive Weaving on a Little Loom, Syne Mitchell, a handy dandy book that will give you all you need to get started weaving on a rigid heddle loom. These items may be purchased separately.
Accessory add ons: Variable dent reed in all weaving widths; Flip Trap in all weaving widths; Expandable Flip Bag (one size carrying bag fits all loom widths); Trestle Stand (one size fits all Flips).