Saving Your Stash

Let’s face it – if you’re reading this blog, there’s a distinct possibility that you’re a yarn hoarder.  And what’s wrong with that?  A well-spun, beautifully-dyed skein of yarn is a work of art, a balm to the senses, and an inspiration to your future projects.  To keep your favorite yarns at their best, try Tierra Wools’ top tips for stash storage.  

Keep it clean –

Yarn displays at your favorite shops (Tierra Wools!) can really get your creative juices flowing but remember that the turnover there is likely much faster than in your stash at home.   Yarn that sits around is a magnet for dust and with that dust comes… other critters.  Baskets of yarn on the floor look beautiful, but those piles also appeal to carpet beetles and clothes moths who relish the chance to lay their eggs in the dark fluffy recesses of your skeins.  Wool is a fantastic first meal for those larvae when they hatch, so consider using plastic tubs with tight-fitting lids or large resealable bags to protect your stash from their wool-digesting powers.  Adding a lavender sachet or small piece of cedar wood to each bin can also help deter pests. 

And consider: pets, children, and rogue vacuum cleaners can also wreak havoc on a stash left out in the open.  Storing your stash properly can prevent tragic yarn mishaps.

Keep it dry –

Wool loves water and can absorb quite a bit before it even begins to feel wet – a characteristic that makes it a great insulator and ideal for cold, snowy weather, but also means that it can hold moisture in damp or humid environments which can lead to mold.  Damp basements and hot, humid attics are hard on natural fibers like wool; a climate-controlled room will provide the best protection for your stash.  Consider adding a dehumidifying product to your tubs or bags like rice or a silica gel pouches to keep things dry, especially if your stash storage container is airtight. 

Keep it covered –

Hand-dyed colors look so vibrant and compelling in the sunlight, but continual exposure to bright light can cause your colors to fade in a flash.  This is especially important at higher elevations (like in Chama) where UV exposure is significantly greater than at sea level simply because the sunlight has less atmosphere to pass through.  Storing your stash out of direct sunlight or in opaque containers will preserve the colors of the yarns for years to come and will ensure that your next project is bright. 

Keep it organized –

A tidy stash is an appealing stash!  One of the biggest subconscious appeals of a good yarn shop is that the products are sorted by type, weight, and color for easy browsing:  do the same for your own personal “yarn store” by sorting items by type and weight of fiber, and even by color if you choose.  All yarn should have a label, whether it’s the paper label it came with or a small hand-written card attached to the skein or ball with a safety pin or hairpin.  Include the dye lot or the date of dye if possible – as we all know, you never know when you’ll need more or when you’ll come upon a lucky find in a clearance corner.  A digital or paper spreadsheet listing the contents of your stash can also be helpful if your stash is extensive; there are many online tools to help you with this if maintaining an inventory appeals to you.  But whether you keep a list or not, shopping in your stash will be much more enjoyable if it’s easy to know what you’re looking at. 

Keep it handy –

Stashes often end up buried in the basement or sequestered in the dark recesses of an out-of-the-way closet and while this location might keep your yarn safe from rogue vacuums and puppies, it won’t help you use what you have when you’re ready to craft.  Keeping your whole stash stored properly within easy reach isn’t practical for most of us (we wish we had that many empty closets!) but consider keeping part of your stash within easy access and rotating the selection often – perhaps seasonally or monthly – so that you are able to enjoy all of your stash in its turn. 

Give it space –

Ever had a crease from your ponytail? Natural yarns like wool hate to be squished and can develop creases over time just like your hair.  When packing your yarn into bags or bins, allow the skeins to take up the room they need to maintain their shape and loft.  Your future projects will thank you!

We hope you enjoy our top tips for storing and caring for your yarns.  Your stash is an investment in your craft, and we hope that these ideas will help you preserve your investment for many creative years to come.