Mindful Crafting

It’s no secret these days that engaging in mindfulness practices can contribute to overall health and wellbeing.  Through traditionally incorporated physical practices like tai chi and yoga, mindfulness can also be incorporated into everyday activities like eating and journaling, and even crafting.  The goal of most mindfulness practices is to cultivate awareness of the present moment; as we practice being present with our craft, we may find that we are also learning how to be more present in our lives.  Repetitive, rhythmic actions like those found in weaving, knitting, crocheting, and spinning can help us practice present-moment awareness because these activities engage physical body while also asking the mind stay alert and focused.  Combining craft and mindfulness can be a un-intimidating way for those of us who are already devoted makers to begin incorporating a mindfulness practice into our lives.  

Ready to begin your own journey into mindful crafting?  Let these tips from our own Tierra Wools makers help you get started.  

Prepare your space

When preparing a place to practice mindful crafting, choose a location where you feel comfortable and are able to minimize outside distractions.  Turn off the TV and your smart speaker and set your smartphone to silent - you won’t miss them once you’re immersed in your craft!  

 Set a timer

Setting a timer, even if it’s a timer on your smartphone (set to silent!), will free you to focus on your craft without worrying about when it’s time for you to move on to other things in your day.  You’ll be amazed at how eliminating this anxiety promotes your ability to focus.  Your sessions don’t have to be long to be effective but regularity helps:  you’ll see benefits with just 5 minutes a day if you practice consistently. 

Find your project

Selecting the right project is key for successful mindful crafting: one that’s too easy may not hold your attention and one that’s too hard might have you tossing your work aside in frustration. Projects that are just at or slightly above your skill level are ideal for mindful crafting because they allow you to practice repetitive, rhythmic actions you know well while engaging your mind fully as you navigate less familiar skills or techniques, creating an active mental state known in psychology as “flow.”  A knitter who has recently learned how to make cable stitches, for example, might find flow in a pattern that incorporates cable stitches at regular intervals within a background of more familiar stitches.

Focus on sensations

Immerse yourself in the sensations you experience while crafting: perhaps it’s the feeling of a wood shuttle or metal knitting needle in your hand, the smell of the wool, the texture of the item you’re creating in your fingertips.  Become aware of how your body feels as it make the motions of your craft, whether moving treadles with your feet or holding up a spindle.  Notice any sounds you might hear as you work, like the clinking of needles or the thump of the beater.  Observe how your breathing feels as you work; perhaps even allowing your inhales and exhales to synchronize with the motions of your craft.  

Enjoy the process

Allow yourself to craft at the pace that feels comfortable for you today, even if it feels “slow.”  Remember that taking your time as you work is not about seeking perfection in your project, but engaging fully in the crafting experience.  Notice when your mind wanders away from your craft, and then gently guide your attention back to your work.  This might happen more often than you expect, but know that this is a normal part of mindfulness practice - that’s why it’s called practice!  Feel the joy you experience while practicing your craft and allow yourself to embrace the process. 

Have you tried mindful crafting?  Tell us about your favorite mindful crafting experiences and techniques at tierrawools@gmail.com or on Instagram @tierra_wools_NM.